When You're a Boy
Blake Nuto
Publisher: Affirm Press
ISBN: 9781922863652
Awards Year: 2024
Category: CBCA Award for New Illustrator


A powerful and moving exploration of what it means to be a boy from an exciting new author-illustrator talent.

When you're a boy
you are told how to be
like the white-roaring oceans.
But I've learned
the fierceness of flowers
the glory of colour
and the beauty of dreaming.

Wander through forests, cross rivers and climb mountains in this powerful and moving exploration of what it means to be a boy.

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The CBCA judges say...

A well-produced book about exploring what it means to be a boy. The illustrations are evocative of the mood of the text and dominate this book with their distinctive and original style. Minimal detail is utilised to depict characters’ faces, effectively allowing the text to be the main conveyor of emotions (yet despite the simplicity of the faces, they do still manage to reveal feelings). The muted palette and variations in layout, perspective and design enhance the mood of the narrative. Written text is minimalistic, with usually one phrase or sentence on each double page spread, allowing the illustrations to tell the story. The plain light blue uncluttered end papers quieten the mind before introducing it to this meditative text.


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