Can You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree?
Jane Godwin (Illust: Terry Denton)
Publisher: Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
ISBN: 9781760508661
Awards Year: 2024
Category: Book of the Year: Early Childhood


‘Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.’
-- Albert Einstein (or not, as it turns out!)

So… can a fish climb a tree?
Can a horse drive a car?
Can a baby bake a cake?

And if they can’t, what wonderful things can they do?

From bestselling creators Jane Godwin and Terry Denton comes a quirky and inspiring book about celebrating who you are and the power and peace to be found in not trying to be anyone else.

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The CBCA judges say...

Children will initially find the series of posed questions in this imaginative book, both preposterous and comical, a great device to engage them in reflections and discussions about self-acceptance, diversity and understanding others. Quirky, loose ink and watercolour illustrations, abounding in small humorous details, enhance the succinct narrative inviting children to follow the unfolding visual stories and create their own. The pace builds with the increasing silliness in the first half, which is followed by a more considered, thoughtful second half, cleverly incorporating fascinating facts about remarkable attributes of various animals (and human babies). Powerful yet with a light touch that feels fresh and unique, this interactive picture book will sit well in homes, libraries and educational settings.


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