Searching for Cicadas
Lesley Gibbes (Illust: Judy Watson)
Publisher: Walker Books Australia
ISBN: 9781922244420
Awards Year: 2020
Category: The Eve Pownall Award for Information Books

A beautifully presented introduction into the world of the cicada, this stunning picture book engages and informs young readers through its unique melding of fact and storytelling. The story itself is a simple one; a child and a grandparent explore the bush together, marvelling at the wonders of nature whilst listening for cicada calls and conducting their careful search. In addition to the narrative, each page contains a myriad of interesting facts about the cicada, presented in handwritten passages that mimic those of a naturalist’s notebook. Key information about different species, their lifecycles, calls and colours are intertwined with the gentle storyline. Rhythmic prose immerses readers in the topic with skill and subtlety and the fun of camping and spending time with loved ones is captured in the joyous illustrations. Vibrant artwork in deep, rich hues of greens and blues evoke the Australian bush, and the cicadas themselves are brought to life in stunning detail. As both an exploration of science and nature, and a celebration of the bond between grandparent and grandchild, this is an information book to be shared and treasured.