Louie and Snippy Save the Sea
Grant Cowan
Publisher: Berbay Publishing
ISBN: 9780648529101
Awards Year: 2020
Category: The Crichton Award

A simple story that highlights the ecological problem of plastic rubbish in the ocean. The illustrations augment and enhance the story premise and with just the use of coloured pencils, the visual result is outstanding. The illustrations are engaging, perceptive, distinctive in style, giving a depth to the story, lifting it to a higher level. This must be acknowledged for a first-time picture book illustrator. Choice of colours is distinctive on each page and special effects make this book a work of art. In particular, there is a page of mainly blues that depicts a school of fish in tessellation similar to Escher and a page of mainly red tones that is artistically effective. Movement is captured with intensity and characterisation portrays individuality and feeling. This is an illustrator to watch out for.