Baby Business
Jasmine Seymour
Publisher: Magabala Books
ISBN: 9781925768671
Awards Year: 2020
Category: The Crichton Award

Jasmine Seymour's visual style feels primal and sophisticated at the same time. The scribbled white lines provide atmospheric effects. The suggestion of smoke is truly a delightful method with the suggestion of the smoke shifting and changing achieved with the appearance of blurred strokes. Also deftly handled are the nuanced skin tones, the varied clothes of the women and the rich honeycomb of the bees. Although the artworks are digital, they show excellence in the illusion of different art types. There is a lovely connection between traditional and ethereal realism. The simple two dimensional colour of the women draws them out of the background. This is how we come to understand culture, through line, texture and colour, as well as through language.